Posted in Prayer

Motherhood is a Blessing

A first time Mum here, who has returned to her full-time job, sometimes needs some sort of a “me time”. And this is one of those times that I am able to sit down, spend my time alone and express my thoughts through blogging.

I’ve never felt so happy and complete until I became a Mum. She’s a miracle and one of the best blessings my husband and I have ever received — an answered prayer. Being a mother is not easy, they say…and I attest to that! It’s a whole lot of trial and error, first time experiences, challenges and pain (physically and emotionally). But hey, everything’s all worth it! I would never have it any other way. I can’t put into words how fulfilling being a mother is. The happiness it brings despite all the challenges. I can only be grateful for this huge blessing.

I pray that the good Lord, continue to protect and guide our little chubby cheeks. May He bless us, her parents, so we can raise her to be the person that God designed her to be.

Lord, bless our plans and make all our dreams come true. In Jesus’ name. Amen.